Janith Jayasala (Pvt) Ltd
No.168, Dutugemunu Street, Kohuwala
Janith Jaya Sala Group of Company (Janith Jaya Sala ) Member of Janith Jaya Sala Group of Company Since 1981 having a long earned goodwill & trust among customers and motor vehicle import industry with 37 years’ experience. Vision of our company is to make our customer’s vehicle dream come true by giving high quality motor vehicles with trust, responsible and superior customer service. We are a member of VIAL (Vehicle Import Association of Lanka), VIASL (Vehicle Import Association of Sri Lanka). We are a registered company in DMT (Department of Motor Traffic) for Importing & selling vehicles. Visit Janith Jaya Sala Group of Company today to be a proud owner of your dream vehicle with lots of benefits and offers. “Janith Jaya Sala Group of Company” is importing, selling & exchanging any kind of motor vehicle. We are importing Brand new & reconditioned vehicles from direct bidding auctions, tender auctions, manufactures and from our Japanese dealers (According to Japan rules). Further, we also import from UK, Australia, Singapore, Thailand through CIF, C&F RORO, Container, VESSELS. In addition, you can direct import under your name, through our agents in Japan. All the motor vehicles we import are personally Inspected & Certified (JAAI/JEVIC/BV) with STERLING, KOBE, PIONEER, SBT, and ACHAMI after sell services. We are able to arrange leasing facilities, loan facilities, banking, valuation facilities, RMV documentation (Vehicle Registration Process), clearing Fording, Tin Vat registration for permit holders, and vehicle carrying facilities to make you more comfortable & save your valuable time without any struggle. For the customers who visit Janith Jaya Sala Group of Company we will make sure to offer many more options to select their dream vehicle for an affordable price with exceptional service.
No.168, Dutugemunu Street, Kohuwala